Community Outreach Programme

Community Outreach Programme which has been added to its work portfolio as a fifth pillar of the institute activities. The Institute had a felt need of having a community outreach area or a demonstration site in order to develop and ensure that the students of IIHMR Delhi, who are future health management professionals, have a connect with the community and are able to identify, manage and address key individual and community health needs in the real settings. The programme not only facilitates in imparting hands-on experience to the students but also facilitates in learning of skills beyond the four walls of an institute and also serves as a platform to hone the skills of students. This programme started in Goyla Dairy, South-west District, New Delhi after obtaining due approval from the Directorate General of Health Services, Govt. of NCT of Delhi on 04th February 2022. The Goyla Dairy area is a peri urban aera covered an approximate population of 55000. The health care needs are catered by two Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics (one in Goyla Khurd and other in Qutub Vihar), one urban PHC, one TB clinic and one leprosy clinic. A group of 21 ASHA workers and five ANMs act as an interface between the community and health services, catering to needs related to comprehensive primary healthcare of the populace. There are two medical officers in UPHC and two in each Mohalla clinics. The TB clinic and leprosy clinic are managed by Damien Foundation India Trust (DFIT) in Qutub Vihar.

General Objective: –

To develop a connect between future health management professionals and the community to enable them to identify and manage key individual and community health needs by mobilizing locally available resources.

Specific Objectives: –

A. A Health Needs Assessment would be conducted in the first phase with the following objectives:

  1. To assess the health needs of the community through a population-based family health survey.
  2. To assess the preparedness of the health system to meet the population needs.

B. Based on the findings from family health profile, we would develop and implement interventions to address the problems of the community with the following objectives:

  1. To reduce the out-of-pocket expenditure in health by households through information sharing (reducing information asymmetry) and mobilising available resources at individual and community level (public and private).
  2. To improve use of clean fuels, safe drinking water and toilets at the household and community level.
  3. To develop capacity of care givers in family for providing care for providing MCH and selected NCD care (Hypertension, Diabetes and Cancer)

Approaches: -

The students who are enrolled in the PGDM course are getting good exposure to field-based practicum training and is strengthening student’s skills in terms of following skillsets:

  1. establishing communication with various stakeholders including medical officers, health care functionaries and community.
  2. orientation on different national and state health programs.
  3. eliciting information from beneficiaries through formal and informal interactions and interviews on a particular topic.
  4. use of technology to collect, manage and analyze data.
  5. organizing events at community level for a specific purpose such as general health checkup, screening of diseases, dissemination of health-related messages.
  6. liaising with care providers, beneficiaries, management team and decision makers; and 
  7. conducting periodic reviews of specific health programs with reference to health, hospital and health IT management to understand the process of health management information system.

Photo Gallery : Student activities at the community 

Community health screening conducted by students.


World Mental Health Day